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Challenge / Goal

The Strijp-S district is a brown field development project which was formerly occupied by Philips. Hence, the soil in the area was contaminated which needed to be cleaned up for development in the area.


To be able to the solve the problem in an innovative way, SANERGY, system was installed. It is a low cost system which aims at purifying soil in combination with extracting energy from groundwater using heat pumps. It is an open system which directly pumps water into the soil. Currently, 2.7M m3/yr. is being pumped. The system works for VOCs (fluorides & chlorides), i.e.. water-soluble impurities. The system can extract energy while purifying soil and is simultaneously 5-10 times less expensive than removing the soil.


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Time period

Planning time
6 months to 1 year

Implementation time
Less than 6 months

    Main benefits
  • Promoting sustainable use of land

  • Reducing GHG emissions

  • Increasing share of renewables

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