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Challenge / Goal

Like most cities, Aachen has a parking problem in its urban areas. Amongst other linked problems, this causes environmental concerns such as high levels of fine dust and CO2 emissions. Furthermore, the problem is only increasing and is causing angry and frustrated residents.


As a pilot project, we installed 13 sensors in the Friedrichstraße to generate a digital twin of the city with live data about the current parking situation. This information is accessible via an API to be used and analysed by the partners of this project. In additon to that, the residents of the involved areas can always see the occupation of all parking spots live on their phones, via a mobile web interface.

The process involved setting up sensors to monitor the availability of parking spots. This collected data was then made available to residents on a WEB UI. Additionally, the information was provided to project partners via API.

Citizen participation

Information was pro-actively distributed to the city residents, explaining the technology and the importance of its implementation. We also talked to the residents in person about the process involved.


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Time period

Planning time
Less than 6 months

Implementation time
Less than 6 months


STAWAG, APAG, Stadt Aachen

Service providers


End users

City Residents, APAG, STAWAG

    Main benefits
  • Reducing local air pollution

  • Improving parking

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