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Challenge / Goal

In the area, the coastline of Klaipeda, special services like power for charging, and also surveillance services are a challenge.

The area being a costal area, there is no possibility to provide conventional power infratructure, which could support provision of services.


A solution called SUNECO was developed, which is a mobile, multifunctional service station for the public spaces. The service station provides functions like power provided by solar, additional technical solutions like WiFi, Air compressor for bicycles, Audio and Video System. The design and shapes, also the functionality of the service station is adapted to blend in with the environment.



charge devices

compress air for pumping bikes

invite lifeguard for assistance by pressing a button

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Time period

Planning time
Less than 6 months

Implementation time
Less than 6 months

    Main benefits
  • Increasing energy autarchy

  • Enhancing tourism experience

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