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Challenge / Goal

The goal of this little project was to find out what amount and type of greening in the courtyard would improve the microclimate in the courtyard and by how much. The courtyard is enclosed on all sides, with one side made of glass elements. The general public as well as users of the office building use the courtyard for lunch breaks and recreation. However, due to solar radiation amongst other things, it is not especially pleasant. There were doubts if and how much any greening of the courtyard would mitigate the poor microclimate.


A 3D design model was developed by the engineers and various greening scenarios were assessed. Due to the enclosed space - even considering air flow through two thoroughfares - the ventilation and air velocity in the courtyard would be further hindered by large trees in the courtyard. More moderate greening strategically placed in areas where it does not hinder air flow, maybe in addition to technical shading, is a better option in this case.
Also with bigger trees, the amount of evaporation from the trees will accumulate in the courtyard, making the mircroclimate more humid. This together with unfavorable orientation with respect to solar radiation in summer, plus the glass elements, that permit radiation to enter, but not air, prevents a "jungle" solution from being effective.



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FCP, Rheologic

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    Main benefits
  • Promoting sustainable use of land

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