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Challenge / Goal

Owing to the huge amount of data generated in the city, there is a great scope to process and analyze this information. Analyzing the current data and predicting future trends could help in well informed decision making on several different levels. A user friendly way of visualizing the open data is also needed to promote extensive use of data. 


The Urban Cockpit Solution was chosen from the Urban Institute to manage the big data from the City of Cologne. The tool provides a fast and easy overview of the current situation in the city concerning traffic, energy and environment. The tool is publicly available online for the citizens to see and use. 

On the left hand side the “pulse” of the city can be seen. This is a grouping of many indicators and is updated every few seconds. What the indictors show can be adapted for every city and for every user group like citizens or control center staff. The indicators are adjusted during the project according to data available. The better the values or KPIs of the cities, the better the indicators are (as shown by how green it is). For values that are worse, it will turn yellow or red and the pulse will rise to indicate that the city is in a stressed state. This can happen for example when the environmental data is very bad, when there are too many traffic jams in the city or when the percentage of renewable energy production is too low.

On the right hand side of the COCKPIT, there is more detailed information about various different aspects of the city’s current condition. This may include the number of free parking spaces, number of cars shared, current use of public transport and so on. on ticket.

All data from the platform is processed in real time to generate value added data. The data is stored to provide data analytics. KPIs are used to visually indicate the current condition of the city. (e.g. very high pollution, very low Renewable share -red alerts). The Urban TRAFFIC and Urban Environment Feed into the Urban Cockpit.

Citizen participation

Public meeting with tenants were held to inform people. Urban Institute showed the dashboards and asked for feedback.


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Time period

Planning time
6 months to 1 year

Implementation time
Less than 6 months

    Main benefits
  • Improved data accessibility

  • Increased data transparency

  • Encouraging digital entrepreneurship

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