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Challenge / Goal

To change people's behaviour towards sustainable mobility, they have to be convinced of the benefits. This is done by informing, but also persuading and inspiring.


Under the umbrella of a shared marketing strategy titled Smart Ways to Antwerp, the Antwerp (PORTIS) partners are promoting sustainable (combi-) mobility solutions in the city and port area. The target groups are commuters, Antwerp residents, and visitors. Through these campaigns, and thanks to the platform and travel planner of Smart Ways to Antwerp, awareness is being raised for alternative means of transport in the port and the city.

Next to this, specific measures are being undertaken in the port area. A new campaign to incentivise more port employees to commute by bike was launched. Bicycle-counting screens are constructed in several locations in the area. The port and the city will also cooperate on coaching sessions on traffic safety.

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City of Antwerp, Antwerp Port Authority, Province Antwerp, De Lijn

Service providers

City of Antwerp, Antwerp Port Authority, Province Antwerp, De Lijn

End users

Commuters, residents, and visitors

    Main benefits
  • Promoting sustainable behaviour

  • Improving life quality

  • Facilitating citizen engagement

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